Mei and Sigma changes included in October 23 Overwatch PTR patch

A new patch for the Overwatch PTR dropped on October 23 and it contains an update for Mei, Baptiste, and Sigma along with bug fixes and some Workshop updates.

The latest PTR update isn’t massive, but it does contain a lot of updates for the Workshop along with changes that might be helpful to Mei mains.

Hero updates are also included for Sigma and Baptiste, along with a number of bug fixes for various heroes.

The hero update apply to Mei’s Ice Wall, Sigma’s Gravitic Flux and Baptiste’s Immortality Field, which will all now more heavily prefer edges over placing as far away as possible.

This should make it easier to place the abilities in the most effective spot – especially when it comes to Ice Wall.

Bug fixes include a hilarious-sounding glitch that caused Ana’s legs to twitch when her Halloween Terror Pharaoh skin is equipped.

They also fixed a bug that caused Roadhog’s Chain Hook to sometimes incorrectly connect with Symmetra’s Teleporter, Ashe’s Dynamite, and Junkrat’s Steel Trap and Concussion Mine.

Also included in the update is a new gameplay option for High Precision Mouse Input which will allow Overwatch player’s to use their mouse’s native polling rate when determining exactly where to shoot.

A mouse’s polling rate is how often it reports its position to a computer and a higher polling rate can decrease the lag between when you move your mouse and when the movement shows up on your screen.

Enabling this option will allow Overwatch to use your mouse’s native polling rate when determining exactly where to shoot. Note: There may be a slight performance cost to enabling this option.

Post time: Oct-24-2019