Steel structure enterprises appeal: environmental protection cannot be one size fits all

Steel structure enterprises appeal: environmental protection cannot be one size fits all

Under the background of supply side structural reform, it is imperative to resolve the excess steel production capacity, promote green building and promote construction industrialization.As an important representative of green building, steel structure has been vigorously promoted and applied by the central and local governments.


 The State Council’s “guidance on resolving the contradiction of serious overcapacity” puts forward that we should promote the application of steel structure in the construction field, and increase the proportion of steel structure used in public buildings and government investment and construction.The national new urbanization plan (2014-2020) clearly points out that the proportion of new green buildings in cities and towns should be increased from 2% in 2012 to 50% in nearly 20 years.Subsequently, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Tianjin, Jiangsu, Anhui and other local governments have issued specific implementation plans.According to the 13th five year plan for the development of steel structure buildings in Hebei Province, in addition to special functional needs, in principle, large-span industrial plants and storage facilities will fully adopt steel structures, municipal bridges, rail transit, bus stops and other suitable new municipal infrastructure projects. The proportion of application of steel structures will reach more than 75%, and the government invested office buildings, hospitals and schools will be builtThe steel structure is the first to be used in schools, stadiums and other single buildings with a building area of more than 20000 square meters. 


It can be seen that the steel structure industry has ushered in a historic development opportunity.Under the favorable market environment of the development trend of steel structure industry, the strict environmental protection measures in the history of “one size fits all” environmental protection measures have been implemented by drawing industrial lines, setting boundaries by regions and implementing “one size fits all” environmental protection measures. Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei region, which has great pressure on environmental protection, has ushered in the peak of production suspension and production restriction.”One size fits all” is a very simple and easy way to ease sudden haze.However, to promote the coordinated development of environmental protection and economy, the control of air pollution is a protracted war and a crucial battle, and its measures obviously need to be refined and improved. 


It is not only a political task, a popular project, but also a booster to promote the transformation and upgrading of enterprises and realize cleaner production. Every industry should firmly support it.However, the Beijing Steel Structure Industry Association visited member enterprises and found that some places implemented environmental control measures. No matter whether the enterprises meet the environmental protection standards or not, no matter whether the enterprises adopt environmental protection treatment, transformation and upgrading, they will stop production.The person in charge of a steel structure enterprise said that the environmental protection governance advocated by the government is in line with the actual people’s livelihood. Under the background of vigorously carrying out environmental protection renovation in the country, the company has closed some production links that may produce pollutant emissions according to the requirements of environmental protection and relevant departments, purchased a large number of environmental protection equipment, and installed atmospheric grid detection system in the plant area, so as to ensure the VOC emission in theWithin the scope allowed by environmental monitoring.But even so, enterprises are still facing the situation of making way for environmental protection and shutting down irregularly, which has an impact on the normal production and operation of enterprises.In the first half of this year, the development trend of the enterprise is good, and the business volume has increased compared with last year. However, a large number of orders of the enterprise can not be produced in time, and the economic benefit has declined significantly.He hoped that the association could appeal or reflect to the relevant departments that it would give strong support to the enterprises meeting the environmental protection standards, promote their healthy development and seize the market opportunities; for enterprises that fail to meet the environmental protection standards, they should be resolutely renovated and upgraded, or they will be shut down. 


The person in charge of the steel structure company said that good environmental control measures are the wind vane of enterprise transformation and upgrading.As far as the steel structure manufacturing is concerned, the environmental protection department should make clear what kind of environmental protection equipment the enterprise should be equipped with in terms of environmental protection, and what standard the emission should reach after treatment.If it is carried out indiscriminately, it is difficult to play the role of survival of the fittest and promoting industrial upgrading.


 The person in charge of 3D Steel Structure Industry Association said that during the visit and investigation, it was also found that with the increasing pressure of traditional industries and the rise of some new formats, many places have a tendency to “like the new and hate the old” and attach importance to the development of emerging industries. However, for industries such as steel structures, which involve the national economy and people’s livelihood and have broad development prospects, the willingness to transform and upgrade is not enough. 


For a long time, Chinese traditional industries have been the main force to stabilize economic growth and improve people’s livelihood.There is no backward industry, only backward technology. We should make full use of the comparative advantages of traditional industries, and give birth to increment in stock adjustment, so as to promote stock adjustment and promote traditional industries to rejuvenate.


Post time: Aug-05-2020