What are the hidden dangers of anticorrosion treatment quality of steel structure engineering?

What are the hidden dangers of anticorrosion treatment quality of steel structure engineering?


There are two hidden dangers in the quality of anti-corrosion treatment of steel structure engineering, 

 (1) The coating quality does not meet the requirements

 After the steel structure engineering is painted with anti-corrosion paint, it does not play the role of anti-corrosion protection, resulting in anti rust, falling, wrinkle removal and cracks. 


(2) The procedure for applying anticorrosive paint does not meet the requirements 

1.In the construction process of steel structure in the two stages of fabrication and installation, the times and procedures of applying primer and topcoat do not meet the anti-corrosion requirements of steel structure engineering.


1.1 The times and thickness of primer and topcoat do not meet the requirements 


1.2 The number of times of primer and topcoat for anti-corrosion coating of steel structure is less than that specified. 


1.3 The cost of anti-corrosion working hours and paint materials used in the construction budget of the steel structure company for the anti-corrosion coating construction of steel structure engineering are charged according to the specified coating times and thickness. However, in the actual construction, they often cut corners and do not apply according to the required times and thickness.The number of times and thickness are reduced, which can not play the role of anti-corrosion protection.


2.The procedure of anticorrosive topcoat for steel structure does not meet the requirements 

 At present, the steel structure company (including the production and installation company) has not yet unified the application procedure of the anti-corrosion coating and top coat of steel structure. Some production units have applied all the primer and top coat before shipment. Due to the damage of most of the top coat during hoisting and transportation, the top coat has to be repaired again at the installation site, resulting in the quality and color difference between the top coat and the original paint, which wastes working hours Some manufacturers have finished the application of primer and delivered it to the installation site, but the installation unit applied the top coat at high altitude after all the components were fixed and installed, resulting in poor quality of topcoat, which not only did not play an anti-corrosion role, but also was unsafe, and wasted a lot of man hours, materials and increased project costs.


 (3) Common coating defects and corrective and preventive measures 

 Common coating defects and corrective and preventive measures are shown in the table.

Defects in anticorrosive coating of steel structure engineering

Post time: Aug-05-2020